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     Although Taiwan's rich marine resources are easily accessible, they are not easily preserved with refrigeration. Most of the seafood in market circulation are frozen and thawed prior to sell. Such process causes meat to be damaged by ice crystals as well as the loss of quality and freshness. High Pressure Processing (HPP) will provide customers with an extended refrigerated shelf-life without minimal loss of seafood's original taste and freshness.

     Under 600 MPa, HPP can deactivate parasites and the vibrio virus without adding heat, freezing, or using chlorine dioxide. It is perfect for heat-sensitive products like abalone, scallops, and squid. Additionally, under lower pressure, HPP can achieve clean, virtually 100% meat separation from lobsters, oysters, clams, and other fresh products by denaturing the specific protein that holds the meat to the shell. HPP allows maximum product yield without causing any mechanical damage to the product regardless of size. By adjusting processing conditions, beneficial texture changes can also be created by improving the moisture retention ability of proteins, thus resulting in less water loss during storage or cooking. The use of HPP is only limited by your imagination.

Avure Technologies Seafood High Pressure Processing (HPP) 2009