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Instant CNY Meals

     As a thank you for all mothers’ hard work throughout the year, at year’s end we can release them from the tedious task of preparing Chinese New Year meals for the whole family. In recent years, retail of Chinese New Year dishes have boomed. Most hotel owners and restaurateurs compete for such tremendous market opportunity and have started selling frozen products. However, to avoid flavor and texture lost to frozen foods, a considerable amount of high-class restaurants still insist on mass-production
during Chinese New Year’s Eve.

     The introduction of HPP technology will ignite a revolution in the production and preservation of instant meals. Depending on varying ingredients and cooking methods, HPP will offer a refrigerated shelf-life ranging from one to three months. This will not only help consumers enjoy better quality products, it will also give restaurants longer time to prepare the meals and more marketing opportunities without compromising on the quality of their products.
